8 Hour NRA Personal Protection in the Home
This NRA Protection in the Home course is one of Maine’s recognized CWP classes. The pre-requisite for this course is a beginner’s pistol class. Students will be provided with an NRA packet and learn firearm safety, range safety, Maine law, use of force, decision making, situational…
2 Day NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
The pre-requisite for this course is Personal Protection in the Home or other recognized firearms training. Students will develop muscle memory techniques that allow them to draw from a concealed holster or purse and deliver rounds in order to stop the deadly force threat they…
4 Hour Advanced Tactical Handgun
The pre-requisite for this class is a prior class involving drawing from a holster. The two hour holster draw class will qualify. This class involves strong side work with Cold and Hot qualifications to LEO standards, move and shoot scenarios, barricades, multiple adversaries and much…
Advanced Pistol Operation – Emergency and Combat Handgun Reloading
This class is for students to who want to learn how to quickly and efficiently reload their pistol or revolver under stress and to clear a variety of weapon jams. Students will need 100 rounds of ammo, extra magazines or speed loaders, eye and ear…
Advance Piston Operation – Precision Pistol
This class is for students who are interested in becoming more accurate with their handgun. Students will learn techniques to be able to hit their targets at further distances then they have in the past. Long range defensive shots are not recommended especially in high…
Advanced Pistol Operations – Low Light Operator
This Low Light Operator class is for students who have previously taken a personal protection or other recognized class. This class will involve a short classroom time and 1.5 hours working from a firearm handheld or mounted light. Firearm attached lighting is fine, however, a…
Advanced Pistol Operations – Barricade Operations
This class is for students who have previously taken a beginner or personal protection in the home course. This class involves firearm work from standing barricades, both strong and weak side, kneeling barricades, and prone barricades. Students will practice moving to and from cover positions,…
3 Hour Beginner Rifle
This beginner class will teach rifle safety, nomenclature, ammo safety, range safety, proper carry, loading/unloading, sighting in, and live fire. Students will also learn safe rifle clearing and cleaning. Students will need a rifle, 60 to 100 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection. Cost:…
4 Hour Intermediate Rifle
This class is an intermediate semi-auto defensive rifle orientation class. This class will involve nomenclature, ammo, safety, operation, sighting, loading/unloading, live fire, and multiple targets. Students will learn how to use their rifle from standing, kneeling, and prone operator positions. Students will practice firing from…
4 Hour Advanced Rifle
This is an advanced rifle class involving all the intermediate class drills, but with additi0nal movement, targeting and defense. Students will need 150 rounds of ammo. Rifle slings are necessary for this course. Cost: $80
NRA Refuse to be a Victim
This 3-hour non-shooting class teaches students how to safely protect the home, person, and family from being a victim. Students will learn techniques by using situational awareness and avoidance, travel safety, home protection strategy, protection devices such as advanced locks, driveway warning devices, alarm systems,…
NRA Home Firearm Safety
This 3-hour non-shooting class teaches students firearm nomenclature, safety, clearing, and the handling of various firearms. Students will learn how to properly store their firearm and how to render pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and other types of firearms so they are safe. Students will receive classroom instruction,…
Upcoming Events
beginner pistol
February 9 @ 8:00 am - 1:30 pm -
Concealed carry class uscca
February 15 @ 8:00 am - 1:30 pm -
intermediate pistol operations
February 23 @ 8:00 am - 10:30 am